Carlos Gomes – Lo Sciavo – European Prémiere

Stadttheater Giessen.
LO SCHIAVO (Der Sklave)
Oper von Antônio Carlos Gomes
Musikalische Leitung: Carlos Spierer
Inszenierung: Joachim Rathke

“Als Sklavenbefreierin tritt in der Oper eine französische Gräfin auf, der Gomes effektvolle Koloraturgirlanden in hoher Sopranlage zugedacht hat. Carla Maffioletti sang das ganz bezaubernd”

[Die Deutsche Bühne]

Original Article



 “Lo Schiavo” has some beautiful and flattering moments, such as the great aria of Americo, or the scene of the Contessa de Boissy, which has a display of coloratura fireworks. A fine coloratura soprano is the sparkling Carla Maffioletti herself. Vocal fluency, clear set high notes and a natural charisma draws to her interpretation of Contessa de Boissy, who loves Americo, but is rejected by him.

Opernglas Magazine 2011